SIM class early 2016

IMG-20151211-WA0004SIM class in the early part of 2016 semester was quite memorable

Some notable students are: Farhan Widagdo, RMSP Alam, Jessica Kuron, Adam Kurnia, Kevin Emilio, Wiratri Rahmawerdani, Tyas Toar, Sabrina, Robin (Class captain).

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 15th, 2016 at 10:04 pm and is filed under Misc Posts. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

8 Responses to “SIM class early 2016”

  1. lia.akhsanuniswati says:

    Mau juga pak kelas SIM kita foto bareng hehe

  2. Nuraksa Makodian says:

    Boleh, nanti kita foto bareng2x

  3. Salam. Pak, minggu depan saat pertemuan terakhir MKPK boleh foto seperti ini juga? 😀

  4. Niko Aryapratama says:

    Tak terasa semester kedua sebentar lagi selesai, besok pertemuan di kelas MKPK terakhir harus bikin sesuatu yang berkesan Pak hehe

  5. Dwi Riska W says:

    Selamat sore Pak,
    Sepertinya suasa yg terlihat di foto sangat seru. Pertemuan terakhir kelas MKPK besok senin harus lebih seru dan mengesankan, hehe

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